Apple Server: Your one stop shop for....user management and backups?
29/01/18 21:02 Filed in: Software
I'm still trying to figure this one out. Apple is now saying that they're going to remove the services like DHCP, DNS, Mail, Contacts, Calendar, VPN, and Websites. First they are hiding them, then they are removing them outright at a later date. I find myself wondering exactly why. They aren't developing most of these services themselves, websites are apache, mail is a postfix base, DNS is running the bind daemon in the background. The is a nice control front-end to these things and handles a lot of the nasty configs that people don't want to fool with. For a small business that has NO idea what they're doing, it's perfect. Grab a Mac, grab the app, google a little bit about firewalls, and boom you're in business. It feels more and more like the power-user market is being left father afield each time an update is brought about. I wonder what the point of having a Mac server will be at that point though, you won't be able to install an imaged OS on networked Macs from it anymore, you won't be able to offer many of the controlling services (DHCP, DNS) that those machines would need, and machine management was supposed to happen through Remote Desktop and Profile Manager . This gives you an OpenDirectory box, with app caching for the App Store installs, and centralized backups. I suppose a central user management service has its uses, but frankly if you're at that point then I would expect you to need some of those other services and whatever box is doing that can also take on LDAP. It seems like an odd move since for limited effort the company can keep solid ecosystems of Apple products in businesses. A few Mac minis or pros for the servers, iMacs/books for the users, iOS devices for the field. Companies pay big money for seamless interaction with their equipment, it equates into less downtime and more savings. "But you can just install these services back on the Mac…" Eh, you can, but it's more hassle than grabbing a cheaper box, throwing linux on it and tossing the packages in place. Or worse, outsourcing all of your needs to a SaaS. The subscription model is hard on smaller shops. Many of these packages require some kind of separate wrapper piece to install and there's no guarantee that it's the latest version. Instructions for updating and managing them are non-existent to not useful. I understand that not a lot of large companies have Macs in any kind of server role, but then, they also don't use any of the "advanced' services that Apple is keeping. Frankly If they are going to kill it because it's too hard and no one is using it then they should just kill it. Drop server, drop the management stuff that they're keeping (because I can assure you, if there are things that no one uses, it's the stuff that is being left in), dump the Mac mini and call it a day. Apple is trying to let admins down gently by slowly pissing them off. Brilliant.